FCCS Responds to Report on Bias Allegations in the Philadelphia School District

Houston, TX – October 9, 2023 – A report released last week from the Philadelphia School District (PSD) claimed it found no bias against its Black-led charter schools. Despite this finding, the Freedom Coalition for Charter Schools (FCCS) underscored that the report did find several authorizing issues including but not limited to a lack of district transparency, inherent conflicts of interest involving board members and school leaders, and disproportionate closure of Black-led charter schools. Furthermore, FCCS is deeply troubled by the continuation of evaluating and closing Black-led schools, even as the investigation was ongoing.

Meet the Utopian Academy for the Arts Community

May 26, 2023 In celebration of National Charter Schools week, educators and families from Utopian Academy for the Arts in Ellenwood, GA shared why they love their charter school. Check […]

Nationwide Summer Enrichment Program Opportunities

Across the country this summer, local charter schools and nonprofits are offering summer school programming for students and educators. Check out a few of these opportunities below: Nationwide Freedom School […]

A Letter to Charter School Leaders of Color

Greetings Charter School Leaders of Color, The annual academic testing period can bring about challenges and stress for school communities. FCCS want you to know we stand with you and […]

The Charter School Leaders We Need Now

There are speakers and there are leaders – and what we do says more than what we say. Those of us doing the work in the charter school space don’t […]