FCCS Issues Statement on FY2024 Budget Passage

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Today, FCCS Executive Director Jay Artis-Wright released the following statement in response to passage of the FY24 spending package over the weekend. 

The recent signing of the FY2024 budget by President Biden reflects an acknowledgment of the advocacy by Black and Brown-voting parents for diverse and quality public school options. Maintaining the level funding of $440 million for the Charter School Program (CSP) is a significant achievement, especially considering the previous proposal’s misguided cut of $40 million from the CSP. Furthermore, the budget introduces increased flexibility in CSP fund utilization and removes the cap on State Facilities Incentives Grants. These changes will enable more leaders of color to establish schools in communities most in need of quality options. More broadly, we were pleased to see educational investments in Title I and IDEA funding and higher education programs that will support students across the country.

Evidence shows that Black and Brown students thrive in charter schools, particularly those led by people of color. CSP continues to serve as a crucial resource for public charter schools and a lifeline for many charter school leaders of color. We eagerly await the ongoing allocation of these funds while emphasizing the importance of supporting the growth and expansion of charter schools operated by leaders of color and ensuring that all students have access to high-quality public school options within their communities.

Ultimately, we would like to see increased investments in CSP and programs proven to help students reach their full potential. Because, we know the long-term solution for families of color is to provide more quality k-12 educational opportunities that fix intergenerational disparities and prepare young people to pursue dreams as bold and creative as they are, regardless of their geographical location.